See details about IMBRUVICA® Specialty Pharmacy Network and Specialty Distribution. You can also click on links to additional resources below.

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Specialty Pharmacy & Specialty Distributor Information

Specialty Pharmacy Network

The Specialty Pharmacies below are authorized to dispense IMBRUVICA® in the United States and US territories. They are able to service most commercial and Medicare Part D plans.

This network of pharmacies can also provide information about the prior authorization process and provide eligible patients with information about copay support options and patient support program and resources.

Phone: 1-800-850-4306 • Fax: 1-800-823-4506 • Website:
Phone: 1-877-662-6633 • Fax: 1-877-662-6355 • Website:
Optum Specialty Pharmacy (Legacy Avella and Diplomat)
Phone: 1-877-445-6874 • Fax: 1-877-342-4596 • Website: